Steel belt granulator

Drip forming granulator was invented by German Ryan Ferosek in the early 1980s, applied by Switzerland Santelad Company, and manufactured by Sweden Sandvik Company. In the late 1980s, rapid industrialization was promoted in Europe and America, resulting in a wave of granular industrial revolution. Enable the granulation of over a hundred organic and inorganic chemical products that previously could not be granulated. The world''''''''''''''''s authoritative magazine "Chemical Engineering" once reported that the machine was called the "A Revolutionary Granulator" and had epoch-making significance.


Equipment features:
1. Continuous operation, improving production efficiency, and occupying a small area
2. Reduce dust and improve operating environment
A molding rate of over 3.98%, with minimal dust during unloading, particles with higher packing density and better packaging characteristics
4. Low energy consumption, low equipment investment, and simple operation
5. High quality steel strips and equipment have good corrosion resistance, long service life, and are suitable for production of various materials
6. Unique cost-effectiveness positioning, based on 2/5 of the original European machine price as our company''''''''''''''''s selling price

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